PUNX RAWK! Side Walk Slam(Pictured below...Matt, Marcuss n Josiah) is yet another great punk band on Tooth & Nail Records. For fans of Green Day & Sum41...SWS has alot to offer. This is the interview Lori had with their singer/guitarist Marcuss over e*mail...

"What made you want to start a band?" "We all three love music and felt a calling as well."
"Is there any kewl story about why you call yourselves SWS?" "Its a wrestling move."
"What is playing in your stereo right now?" "Everything Alkaline Trio."
"Growing up,what were some of the bands you liked? "Prince, Michael Jackson, Eddie Rabbit, Guns n Roses, Poison, Warrant, Metallica, Megadeth, Nirvana, all the good stuff."
"How old are you guys?" "Early 20's."
"How did you meet, and become the awesome group of musicians that you are today?" "I knew Dave in high school awhile but he moved away, he met Matt at shows all the time, i knew Sarah, Matts gf, one night we just got together at a party and we all had our stuff with us and 'jammed' we played a show 2 weeks later."
"When you're on the road, what do you eat?" "I try to eat healthy, but we almost always eat Mexican everytime we eat its awesome."
"Do you sleep with a night light or stuffed animal?" "I used to sleep with a night light up until a month or so ago because I had a puppy that would like to get out of bed at night but now I dont, but I do sleep with a body pillow, does that count as a stuffed animal?"
"What's one word you would use to describe your music?" "Good."
"When did you become a Christian?" "Matt and dave pretty much grew up as Christians, I grew up around it I seriously dedicated my life around 18."
"What's your fave Bible verse?" "Romans 19."
"What are the chances of me getting VIP passes when you come to to Detroit? LOL" "I didnt know we had VIP passes!"
"Who are some of the bands that you look up to?" "Greenday, Alkaline Trio, Guns n Roses, MXPX, Don McLean, The Beatles, Elvis, Rolling Stones, all, Johnny Cash,and my dad."
"How long have you been playing your instruments for?" "Ive been playin for like 8 years, Daves only been playin like 3 pretty much, and Matt has been playin a long time....hah."
"If you were an animal, which one would you be and why?" "Dog, ppl love them, they are lazy and lovable."
"Do you have any pre~show rituals?" "Pick someone out of the crowd to make fun of."
"What is your favorite city to play in?" "I like em all."
"Who does most of the songwriting for you guys?" "Me, Marcuss."
"What has God been teaching you as a band lately?" "You can abuse privleges given to you, and dont take things for granted."
"Are you getting sick of these crazy questions?" "I love interviews."
"What is your favorite song on your new record? Why?" "Past remains, its personal to me."
"What is your favorite CD/Cassette that you own?"
"All my Green Day, Alkaline Trio, Guns n Roses stuff."
"Are you single?" "Would you like to know."
"What do you look for in a girl?" "Tattoos."
"What are some of your hopes for SWS for 2001?" "Explode."
"If you had super powers, what would they be?" "To make myself happy."
"Coke or Pepsi?" "Pepsi."
"What do you think of our web page? Any suggestions?" "It is nice."
"When was your first show? where?" "It was Sept of 98 at a friends house named Dustin, it was in his front yard and there were like 10 people there and they were all our friends. We are going to play there again this year i think for fun."
"When you are not on tour what is your favorite thing to do?" "Im addicted to the internet and movies but usually I just write new songs."
"When you get to Heaven what question do you want to ask God?" "Hows it going?"