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::e s t r e l a::

Taking thier name from the Portuguese word for star, estrela is melodically driven, with no room for dissonance.   A full understanding can be obtained with knowledge of the star.  A star is self-luminous, balancing its gravitational forces by its outflow of energy.  Since the beginning of time, people have looked to the stars for insight on life, love, and remembrance.  With a combination of the bright out bursting scream of vocalist Bobby Lopez,  the warm and upbeat grooves rendered by drummer  Matt Clendenning and bassist Robby Phillips, and guitarist Josh Martins ambient but technical overtones, the star truly exemplifies Estrelas sound. Lori recently interivewed Josh and Robby over e*mail, be sure to check them out when you're done reading!

How old are you guys?
I am 17 as well as our bassist Robby, Matt our drummer is 18, and Bobby our singer 22
How did you meet, and become the awesome group of musicians that you are today?
Heh thanks, well instrumentally we have been together sense middle school. Our drummer matt was looking for someone to play with so I brought over this small practice amp and jammed. Soon after that Robby started playing bass with us. Then we played around with a few different bands, playing with various singers until one day Bobby came along and that's when estrela started.
What's some of your favorite places to eat?
We pretty much all love fast food. It's easy, cheap, and gets the job done. You can get a dollar burrito at taco bell and be full for the night.
Do you sleep with a night light or stuffed animal?
Well unless you count band members, no I don't.
What's one word you would use to describe your music?
Melodic. It's all about the melody.
What are your beliefs about God?
We really believe that religion is a personal thing, and don't feel the need to get it involved with our music.
What are the chances of us getting on the guest list when you get ure first big show?
Well making out never gets old
Who are some of the bands that you look up to?
Incubus. That's all that needs to be said.
How long have you been playing your instruments for?
It varies but all in all about 5 years for each of us.
If you were an animal, which one would you be and why?
Well I knew bobby would wish for one of us to be a squirrel. That's all I need to say about that.
Do you have any pre~show rituals?
I wish we did, just because I never have anything snazzy to say to this question. We just setup and play.
Where do you look forward to playing?
New places are always fun. I like to hear the responses from crowds that have never heard of us.
Who does most of the songwriting for you guys?
For the most part, we all write our own instrument's part. Bobby writes the lyrics.
What have you been learning as a band lately?
That getting signed is harder than rocket science.
Are you getting sick of these questions?
No way interviews are fun.
What is your favorite estrela song?
As of now its "misery".
Because we haven't gotten sick of it yet.
What is your favorite album that you own?
Probably a tie between The Deftones- White Pony or Incubus- Morning View
Are you single?
Yep, staying focused on the music.
What do you look for in a girl?
Niceness? I don't know I'm not too picky. Except I hate overly large plugs. Man it's gross.
What are some of your hopes for estrela for summer of 2003?
Touring touring touring.
If you had super powers, what would they be?
Josh would want the power to dispense ketchup from his fingernails. And the power to get a record deal at any given moment.
Coke or Pepsi?
Vanilla coke. Definitely.
What do you think of our site?
Any suggestions?
Nah it works, gets the job done.
When was your first show? where?
February at the hangnail in our hometown of Augusta GA. It was a bunch of good bands, with a good crowd. Pretty descent turn out over all.
Whats one of your most memorable/embarrassing moments as a band?
Nothing really, besides equipment shortages. There has been a couple of bad/really bad, mispronouncings of our name. Heh nothing too big.
When you get to Heaven what question do you want to ask God?
Well what was the point in the holes in donuts?

Check estrela out at www.estrelamusic.com
Listen to them at www.mp3.com/estrela