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July/August 2001 Band of the Month


~*HERES A BAND THAT REALLY ROCKS! JUSTIFIDE(pictured above) is Sambo Moncivaiz(bass) Jason Moncivaiz(lead vocals, drums)and Joey Avalos(guitars,vocals).Justifide is an awesome band ta check out(hey, why else would they be up on here?!)with rocking beats similar to P.O.D but a twist of "Justifide style",n some very tight lyrics("Hold Us Down" is my fave) they are definitley worth a listen.Here's the interview Lori had with them over email*~
"What made you want to start a band?"
"We all love to play music and God gave us this gift."

"Is there any kewl story about why you call yourselves Justifide?"
"We opened the Bible and the first thing we saw was the word Justifide."

"What is playing in your stereo right now?"
"Joey~ Bob Marley Jason~ Weezer Sambo~ Erykah Badu"

"Growing up,what were some of the bands you liked?
"Joey~ Boston, Motley Crue Jason: Mc Hammer Sambo: The Moncivaiz Singers."

"How old are you guys?"
"Joey:19 Jason:18 Sambo:19"

"How did you meet, and become the awesome group of musicians that you are today?"
"Jason and Sambo are brothers and Joey was a high school friend. We practice many hours and sacrifice a lot to make this band work and become better musicians."

"When you're on the road, what do you eat?"
"#6 spicy chicken sandwich meal, biggie size at Wendy's."

"Do you sleep with a night light or stuffed animal?"
"Joey: none Jason: extra pillow Sambo:my teddy bear!!"

"What's one word you would use to describe your music?"

"When did you become a Christian?"
"Joey: at a very young age Jason: born into a Christian home Sambo: in elementary school."

"What's your fave Bible verse?"
"Joey: Rom 5:1 Jason: still searching Sambo:Philippians 1:9~11"

"What are the chances of me getting backstage passes when you come to to Detroit? LOL"
"You can go backstage but you will not find us there because we spend most of our time out with everyone else...but we could hook you up :)"

"Who are some of the bands that you look up to?"
"All of us: P.O.D Sambo: Jimi Hendrix, Santana, Charles Mingus."

"How long have you been playing your instruments for?"
"Joey: guitar for 10 years Jason:drums for 5 years Sambo:bass for 2 1/2 years."

"If you were an animal, which one would you be and why?"
"Joey: White tiger cuz I think they are cool Jason: Lion cuz I am the king of the jungle Sambo: Shark cuz no one understands them!"

"Do you have any pre~show rituals?"
"We pray, do stretches and we dance a lot :)"

"What is your favorite city to play in?"
"We haven't been everywhere yet but Phoenix is our hometown and they are good to us."

"Who does most of the songwriting for you guys?"
"All of us."

"What has God been teaching you as a band lately?"
"Joey: Patience Jason: Trust and patience Sambo:Love The band: Sacrifice"

"Are you getting sick of these crazy questions?"
"No, it's fun!!"

"What is your favorite song on your new record?"
"Joey:Our Little Secret Jason:No Reply Sambo:Awaken"

"What is your favorite CD/Cassette that you own?
"Joey:Bob Marley vol.2 Jason:no fav Sambo:Jimi Hendrix Blues."

"Are you single?"
"Joey: nope, but not married either Jason:nope Sambo:available"

"What do you look for in a girl?"
"Joey: honesty, faithfulness, loves God Jason: loves God, beautiful, funny Sambo: heart for God, good looks, sweet and kind, fun to be around."

"What are some of your hopes for Justifide for 2001?"
"To touch as many lives as we can and to inspire and encourage."

"If you had super powers, what would they be?"
" Joey: walk on water Jason: take away people's pain Sambo: read people's minds."

"Coke or Pepsi?"
"Joey: Coke and Pepsi Jason:Pepsi Sambo: Coke"

"What do you think of our web page? Any suggestions?"
"We haven't seen it yet but we will check it out as soon as we can!!"

"When was your first show? where?"
"About2years ago at a friends birthday party in Chandler, AZ."

"When you are not on tour what is your favorite thing to do?"
"Joey: go to dinner with family and friends Jason: chill with my loved ones Sambo: BBQ with family and friends (carne asada is the best!!)"

"When you get to Heaven what question do you want to ask God?"
"Joey: where are my friends and family? Jason: what's my new name? Sambo: Exactly how many hairs do I have on my head?"
~*Be sure to check out JUSTIFIDE'S new record "Life Outside The Toybox" out now on Ardent Records & CUL DE SAC Records. Pray that God continues to work through them as a band and display His glory. Check out the following sites for more info:

Life Outside the Toybox
available wherever fine music is sold


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