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Further Seems Forever


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Further Seems Forever

::MARCH-JUNE 2003 Band of the Month::


After the release of the great The Moon Is Down, FSF's singer (Chris Carrabba) left to do his own thing. Yes, that's right...Dashboard Confessional. Many fans wondered what would happen to the band because after all, who can replace Chris Carrabba? But with all the fame Mr. Carrabba has received, it seems many people have discovered that FSF was his old band and have fallen in love with them, thus allowing the band to gain a bigger fan base. Now with their newest release, How To Start A Fire, ...well, let's just say their spreading like wildfire across the nation...n if you haven't heard 'em yet, you must be flame resistant. And as far as finding a replacement for the great Carrabba...Jason Gleason has blown us away! Lori recently interviewed thier guitarist, Derick Cordoba, over e~mail....enjoy!

What made you want to start a band?
I actually am not an original member.  But I know Further was started to bring about a new musical direction in its members lives.

Is there any kewl story about why you call yourselves FSF?
It was going to be a lyric "further seemed forever" and it became the name.

What is playing in your stereo right now?
Elliot , false cathedrals and John Coltrane a love supreme

Growing up,what were some of the bands you liked?
Iron Maiden, Rush, Led Zeppelin

How old are you guys?
Jason 20, Brandon 20, Josh 24, Chad 26, Steve 30, Derick 31.

How did you meet, and become the awesome group of musicians that you are today?
 I actually was friends with Nick Dominguez before I joined FSF.

What do you eat when you're on the road?
Taco Bell and Burger King since I am Vegetarian and they have the best choices out of the fast food chains.

Do you sleep with a night light or stuffed animal?
 No, My cat Tika.

What's one word you would use to describe your music? 

When did you become a Christian?
About 3 years ago.

What's your favorite Bible verse?

 I am still reading it.

What are the chances of us getting on the guest list when you come to Detroit?

I am just doing the interveiw now, sorry.

Who are some of the bands that you look up to?

I am a big Jazz fan so I look up to those players.  Joe Diorio, Mick Goodrick, Keith Jarrett, Jim Hall, Dave Holland. and many more.

How long have you been playing your instruments for?
I have been playing guitar 18 years

If you were an animal, which one would you be and why?
A cat, they are laid back and hang out

Do you have any pre~show rituals?
I warm up by playing the set.

What is your favorite city/venue to play in?
We have alot.  Our favorite club is probably Club Laga in Pittsburg.  The sound is great and the people who work there are awesome.  As far as fan we love playing too many cities to mention.

Who does most of the songwriting for you guys?
I would say Josh comes up with most of the beginnings of songs and everyone takes it from there.

What has God been teaching you as a band lately?

Are you getting sick of these crazy questions?

What is your favorite song on your new record? Why?
The Deep. It's fun and challenging to play.

What is your favorite album that you own?
Miles Davis - Kind of Blue

Are you single?
No, I have a girlfriend.

What do you look for in a girl?
Sassyness, just kidding.  A kind heart and a fun person.

What are some of your hopes for FSF for summer of 2003?
Good tours mixed with time off.

If you had super powers, what would they be?
I would like to shapechange.

Coke or Pepsi?

What do you think of our site? Any suggestions?
I have to check it out.  I just got home from tour. 

When was your first show?
My first show with FSF was MacRock 2001.
Virginia  The first show I went to was Iron Maiden at Radio City Music Hall.

When you are not on tour, what is your favorite thing to do?

Hang with my girlfriend.

Whats one of your most memorable or embarrassing moments as a band?
Memorable, was furnace fest both 2002 and 2001.  Most embarrasing was probably when all my gear fell down at a show on a shaky stage.

When you get to Heaven what question do you want to ask God?
I would ask if there is other life in the universe.



::Click on the CD cover to buy it NOW!::

Further Seems Forever

How to Start a Fire (Tooth & Nail Records)

Forget everything you thought you knew about this band. Erase the past and prepare to usher in the future - this could very well be the only CD that matters. One of the strongest vocalists to ever pick up the microphone, some of the strongest writing to ever hit paper -- this album is the first must own of 2003.

(Review by

::Click on one of the pix below to watch FSF's newest video for The Sound::







